necessary, unwanted changes

*This is not a "Thanksgiving" post in the sense that it's just not on the topic, not that I'm not thankful for all the blessings in my life* (and I'm not going to use the word not again hopefully this much in a single sentence) Responsibility is one of those things that has both good and bad connotations. It means you hopefully get to do cool stuff but that there are heavier consequences for … [Read more...]

a tidbit

Today I was craving a bean burrito from Taco Bueno so as I went to pick up Sum from KDO, I stopped at one. Their salsa is made fresh every day and it tastes WONDERFUL on my burrito. As I was waiting in line I saw a fed-ex truck that looked exactly like the one my brother-in-law drives. I turned in my seat and was waving, and of course, this story is that the door opened and it was not him. He kept … [Read more...]

how very rich I am

side note: When did writing on my blog become so hard?? I'm finally got my hearts desire.. (a dotcom) and here I am complaining about writing on it. I wonder if you can have a side note at the beginning. It doesn't seem right. I don't think that is proper grammar etiquette, but when have I ever impressed you with my grasp of the English language?? I write how I talk... slightly ignorant, but … [Read more...]

I just drank a bottle of Welch’s Sparkling Grape Juice

I'm sugared up, ya'll, so much so that I just used the word, "ya'll" which, I never use either in my speech or writing being as I'm from Arkansas so the constant judgment is such against me that I try not to give fodder to fuel... In part, my lack of desire to write or pretty much do anything lately has been a pride episode. I would like to think that I'm past that or above it - or just no … [Read more...]