I just drank a bottle of Welch’s Sparkling Grape Juice

I’m sugared up, ya’ll, so much so that I just used the word, “ya’ll” which, I never use either in my speech or writing being as I’m from Arkansas so the constant judgment is such against me that I try not to give fodder to fuel…

In part, my lack of desire to write or pretty much do anything lately has been a pride episode. I would like to think that I’m past that or above it – or just no where near such an ugly thing, but no, I’m human and a prideful one at that. I could be saying how YES, I’ve hit a brick wall living with my parents and I need OUT, but I didn’t want to construe an air of ingratitude, because it’s been a great almost 6 months. I’m just ready to move on. I think living here has been a refining thing, showing me all my ugly inside and breaking me down. I feel fresher, a new day, a new start is coming and I’m prettier for all that I’ve gone through. I actually had someone tell me that the pain has deepened and changed me, so that is a good thing although I still feel like the same person inside, craving a new pair of citizen jeans in a size I doubt my hips will ever see again…

The other part is- for those of you out there in cyber land who have noticed a dramatic change in my writing these last few months, it’s not just that my brain is lacking in creativity, it’s being leeched away from me- yes, I’m very inarticulately trying to tell you something. Are you picking up on it? It’s almost been 12 weeks now so I feel safe sharing. (sigh) and now you will be judging me for drinking all of that sparkling grape juice because it can’t be good for future offspring #2. :)

  • http://janahale.blogspot.com Jana


  • Katy

    well its nice being in the know for once :) haha I’m so excited for you and little shrimp. And I completely understand how you can feel that way living with the folks.I’m glad that you were able to take something from it too, I keep being reminded how long the refining process can take sometimes.

  • http://heartofafamily.blogspot.com/ Nancy

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you. During my pregnancy, I ceased writing checks because I wasn’t smart enough to write the correct amount in both places. We had our mortgage company calling and saying I had written random numbers. *sigh*

  • http://www.thespinneyfamily.blogspot.com Laura
