Under Construction

I'm working behind the scenes here so be patient, friends, the wait will be worth it... and what do you think of my new header? I think I don't want a picture anymore, what do you think of this?? too boring? not enough color? or perhaps its perfect??*UPDATE: I am working on launching my new website, TheBusyNothings.com hopefully it'll be ready by 2010!! :)* … [Read more...]

Website of the day:

TOMS ShoesTOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need. One for One. Using the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good is what we're all about. … [Read more...]

Pampers New Line of Environmentally Friendly Diapers

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comedy of ERrors

I am so exhausted. As many of you know, due the the plethora of electronic messaging outlets, we went to the hospital around 10:30 pm and left around 3:30 am. Summit had been unable to keep any liquids (or solids for that matter) down for over 8 hours and it was recommended to us that we took him to the ER for possible dehydration. I'm talking FOUNTAINS of vomit, it was like the Exorcist or … [Read more...]