Be Good 2 Yourself: Quick Homemade Salsa

OK, this isn't some great GREAT recipe, but I love it, Ben loves it, Summit loves it and everyone that comes to our house loves it. Although it's lacking in a lot of homemadery, it's still amazing. I use regular ingredients right now, (as opposed to organic) because none of this stuff is really bad for you or has a lot of harmful chemicals. I have to pick and choose right now as my meager budget … [Read more...]

mushy hearts are for God, raising up of one’s hands is not for me and God is super Novocain!

I had felt for years that my heart was hardened. so many of the songs we sing on Sundays reflect the need to have a soft, pliable and somewhat gooey heart and then the fruits of the spirit there of from having said gooey heart. I remember praying robotic-ly that God would soften my hard heart, and I would feel nothing while praying that. I hated that, I have always felt like I was a lesser … [Read more...]

What I’m listening to today:

I like good days. I like holding my child all snugly in our car while the weather outside can't decide to be warm or cold, the clouds covering the wide sky. Waiting for Mother's Day Out to open, I am treating him to a Sonic dollar value menu jr. breakfast burrito. I've never been this early before, usually I'm so late, but not today. I woke up awake and ready. So there we sat listening to Foy … [Read more...]

Late Last Night

...and then the owner of the restaurant went to the back and got the $800 dollar tequila and sat back down at our table. Doesn't that sound like a fun story?Not for this blog however. ;) … [Read more...]