bumbo trays and insurance pearls

I went to Toys R Us for the first time yesterday. I always think ingnorance is bliss so what I didn't know they had, I didn't covet. Well, thats been blown! They really do have "from bikes to trains to video games" and beyond. (they were actually out of most of their video games due to a big sale) I managed to limit myself to a cool sippy cup with a straw, as I'm trying to straw train Summit, … [Read more...]

"The Shack" by William P. Young

My mom gave me a book a couple of months ago to read. "It's fiction," she said, and I opened it one day for some light reading. I was so grateful to her for giving me a fiction book and not one of her usual deep thinking books. Hah!! The Shack is in my top 3 of books that have changed my life now, a simple fiction it is not! I encourage you to read it. I'd love to talk to you about it too! My … [Read more...]

what happened yesterday

Oh my gosh my little sister is married! I think I'm still in shock! … [Read more...]

My counter.

Yes, I decided today to get a counter on my blog. Just to see all the people that read my blog and don't comment! come on! Comment! I like feedback! It's just a boring one- way conversation right now, (which for those of you that know me, it can be that way in real life,) so comment back or e-mail so I get to know you too. Props go to Katy, Sol, "Daddy" and Sarea for leaving comments, I feel like … [Read more...]