Tricking a child doesn’t always work.

Summit is getting more clever. He understands that when Mommy is carrying him, his diaper bag, something else and a drink with a straw that Mommy can’t really do much other than holler “no” when he drinks from it. Clever indeed.

I temporarily adopted the stance to let him try just about any food to let him “explore”. Well, now he won’t eat anything healthy b/c apparently all I eat is crap food. He doesn’t like veggies, his baby food in general, and some fruits. He is very picky now and throws a fit when he sees any of us eating and don’t offer to share. So, I’m starting to restrict what he eats again in hopes that this pickiness will correct itself. I’m thinking a big NO.

Today he was reaching for my Dr. Pepper and I told him “no”, he looked so imploringly at me that I thought, “OK, just this once. He’ll try it, hate it because the bubbles will burn his throat and he’ll stop reaching for my drinks”. Natural consequences, you know? Like when my mom let me try wine and beer as I child when I whined for it and I hate it to today. THAT part sucks, I guess the plan backfired some since I like only hard liquer now.

So I allow him, and he looks shocked for a minute at me. Then, he…. smiles. I think that maybe he remembers this flavor from when I was in my third trimester and couldn’t help myself. He smiled. and reached for my red sonic straw for more. Crud-ola.

And he’s started calling me “Heidi”. Not “Mommy”. seriously.

  • David and Katy

    Thats like something you would do as a child! haha that’s hilarious. And your right, you only drink liquor, haha. looks like mom’s plan backfired on her :) Maybe you should stop drinking Dr Pepper…oohhh blasphemy huh? Why don’t you post some pictures of YOU and your pretty blonde hair!!

  • Cody, Kathleen and Joseph

    This is so funny! He is definitely a smart one!