Floating, Soaring, Flying

So much of my life lately is in the unspoken. It's about being in the moment; aware, present and observing. Clearly though, with two young boys this isn't an ever present reality, it's more about seeing and relishing life around me instead of thinking of the next thing to do. Today I sat on the ground watching my boys and it was suddenly beautiful. I wanted to try to share the feeling of … [Read more...]

To Love Myself: Living in the Moment

I sat in church, loving the quietness of it all, the feeling of being present and awake. I loved the sermon, a simple topic revisited with a life alternating perspective. The sun was shining in and it was peaceful. We were late to church, and sat on the back row. As I sunk into a without kids relaxation my eyes started to wander around... and then I saw him. He was probably a few years older … [Read more...]

To Love Myself: Comparison and Grief


I think my favorite time of day is when Bug goes to bed. He is non-stop energy and runs around the house all of his waking hours. He needs constant steering and direction, from the gentle to the stern, he is verbally draining as well as physically. I feel sometimes I'm simply doing nothing right or well with him. I tell him the same thing every day and it doesn't seem to sink in. He has large … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday

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Follow-up to My Sweet Family- in which I recounted a photography session of epically challenging proportion. Aren't we just the perfect family?? … [Read more...]