so ya had a bad day?

First of all, click on the link, BAD DAY, to listen to while you read my post!

so I just got clawed by my cat by trying to hold her over a toilet while she puked up a furball. I think she thought I was going to throw her in or something. I gave up, I picked up my rug (so I wouldn’t have to throw ANOTHER rug away) and locked her in there on the tile. Let her do her worst!!! I’m trying to hold back my own bile, bleh!!! Yuckie doodle!

AND I just finished cleaning up her other vomit out of my new shoe and my closet floor. As I was taking the offending goo to the trash my dear son was gagging himself. I told him to quit and he ignored me and made himself throw up too, all over his toy that has a lot of cracks and places for vomit to seep, yes seep, into parts unclean-able. SERIOUSLY- I’M NOT MAKING THIS UP! YUCK. Now the cats are trying to claw their way out of the bathroom! I don’t think so! Where is my anti-bacterial hand gel and sanitizing wipes?? I’m going to go listen to Daniel Powter and whine about my BAD DAY

  • David and Katy

    you are the puke queen and apparently so is the rest of your little family :) figures…