skating {making memories}

Yeah, nothing makes you feel quite as old as revisiting childhood past-times you were great at and seeing how out of shape and uncoordinated you have become.  OK, but seriously, we had a BLAST! This was one of the first sucessful family ventures we have ever had. The screaming didn’t cause us to leave- it did quickly erupt in the car afterwords- BUT I still call this night a WIN.

Wow. I look awkward in the picture too!

My sister-in-law, who has TEENAGERS, also had her sister’s kids and asked us to go skating with all of them. I don’t seem to do a lot of FUN things latley and although I just wanted to chill at home I decided to take the boys out for some good fun with their beloved cousins. We had some free skate tickets so we decided to get some for Bear and Bug, mainly just because I thought I’d probably get some cute pictures…


Ben ended up joining us and talked me into skating with him… I had just gorged on mexican food so although I was pretty terrified I decided I could burn some calories skating.

I skated around, awkwardly locking my legs every time I stumbled and in general looking silly. My sister in law *thoughtfully* decided to take a video. :) Ben, of course, as usual, was freaking amazing skating although he hadn’t done it in almost 20 years either. He was doing the fancy skating around the turns that I could never figure out and then he came up to my hobbling, ungraceful self and started to skate backwords.  Being the great sport that I am, I wanted to push him OVER as he smugly skated along, but alas, I couldn’t catch up to him…

Trying to convince the kids that they are SAFER on the ground!

Bear enjoying skating for the FIRST time!

Bug skating! He wasn't so sure about it...

What a great reminder to take the time to do things as a family, even if they are out of my comfort zone and skill level. :) What things do you do as a family???

  • homemom3

    looks like everyone had a good time. I haven’t been skating since I was 20. Been a LONG time. lol

  • Kelley

    Love this, I have a Bear too, his name is Dawson, would love to chat:)