Sickness, etc.

I’m listening to the Kinks right now and enjoying them, I have escaped Summit for a short while. It’s funny how all principles on raising a child go out the window when I feel horrible or am sleep deprived. Anything to get through the day… To clarify, Summit is in the living room watching Dora the Explorer and I am thanking God for the tv set that I was wanting to get rid of last night. I hope watching tv doesn’t numb his mind too much, I just need a break.

  • Sarea

    Dora is VERY educational!! You are a great mom!!

  • Steph

    Roman’s watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse—at least Summitt’s watching Dora. I was up all night coughing (quietly) not to wake the boy now I’m exausted. It shouldn’t numb their minds….too bad. Start feeling better.