
I wanted to get the poop post bumped from the top spot so I had to post something even though I really have nothing to say…

-random tip: go to Springdale to license your car, pay the taxes, etc. they have ALL the offices in one building you you don’t have to run from the DMV back to the courthouse. it’s on Johnson Rd. and if you go Tues-Thurs and not on the 1st, 15th, or end of the month you’ll not have long lines. (that applies for every government office)

-random political comment: I “accidentally” watched the new 90210 the other night and it was followed by some show about a tutor to a bunch of spoiled girls in Beverly Hills and I decided that I CHANGED MY MIND about taxing the rich 1-5%. These kids are BRATS!! OH MY GOSH. I don’t care if they have to shop at Target instead of Macy’s. That may teach them some much needed character.

-random medical update on myself: After getting of the loopy hallucination causing pain meds, I feel 90% better. I’d much rather have a dull pain than feel like I’m drunk all the time. (it was a BAD drunk, not a pleasant tipsy)

-random nothing comment: I made eggs for Summit today.

-random hair update: it’s frizzy today and wild. Do you know of any really cute short hair cuts for super thick, but yet fine hair? send me a picture. I want to donate my hair to lock of love but I have to have a vision of how my hair will look short first.

-random schedule: today I have been more efficient and productive than I have been in maybe a year. I got up early (thanks to Summit) made him eggs as you know from above, packed him up, took him to KDO, went to Wal-Mart, came home, wrote the above randoms, went to my orthodontist appointment, and now am back at home by 11. I have nothing to do now…

-random comment to a orthodontist assistant person: “can I brush my teeth? I’d have done it at home but my cat Snickerdoodle was sleeping in the sink.” Why do I give so many details when the first questions would have done? why can’t I be cool??? 😉

  • Kent and Marietta McClure

    Don’t cut your hair. I miss mine more than I can say. Maybe you won’t feel the way I do…. maybe you will!

  • Autumn N. Brown

    Snickerdoodle is my favorite kind of cookie!

  • WiredForStereo

    You should say something other than “cat” like maybe, say… oh, I don’t know, “diamondback rattlesnake.” You don’t want to mess with a diamondback rattlesnake sleeping in your sink. I think the orthodontist assistant would understand.