Random Question (Comments/Feedback wanted!)

OK, so if the Govt. legalized pot, would you smoke it just once to see what all the buzz was about. Yes. Pun intended.

Yes or No and WHY. (Or just Yes or No if you are really busy…)

  • Anonymous

    I’m going to comment anonymously to this. As, I’m sure, everyone will want to.

    I would smoke it for two reasons:

    1. My parents are pot-heads. I know what it does to a family and to an individual. (This probably gives away my identity at least to Heidi.) I would never subject my children to the hell I grew up in.

    2. That said, I tried it when I was around 13. I was trying to understand my parents and “see what the buzz was about.” I promise that, at least in my situation, it totally wasn’t worth it.

  • Autumn N. Brown

    No. Just not my thing.

    But I think we should legalisze so we can tax the heck out of it.

    Did you know that the goverment taxes all profits made by all businesses, even drug businesses. Meaning that any profits made by drug dealers must be reported and taxes on such must be paid. Now the “thing” is that these “honest” drug dealers (yes there are some) who do go in to report earnings and pay taxes can not be reported to the attorities. Therefore they can not get “caught” doing thier civic duty of paying taxes on the earnings for thier drug business.

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  • Anonymous

    Yes – although I have never tried it – I would if it were legal. Just to see what the fuss is about. And we should tax it, tax it, tax it to help the economy.

  • Sarea

    Nah, I wouldn’t try it . . I am 34 and haven’t done it yet, so why start now? However, I think it should be legal, and not just to tax it.

    That being said, I might try Crack or Extasy if they ever became legal . . they seem more my ‘speed’ . .(pun intended)! 😉

  • Heidi

    So “Anonymous”, (I actually wrote your name then realized what I did and deleted it! lol) you mean you WOULDN’T smoke it right then? you said WOULD then described how horrible it was… I can only assume that was a interesting typo.

    Autumn, that was interesting, I didn’t know that illegal drug people paid taxes on income. that is so weird!! and it makes them immune to prosecution?

    I think it’ll probably be legalized soon so I was thinking yesterday if I would smoke it or not. I’m still not sure. Half of the draw for some people is that its being a little bad, you know, it’s illegal and scary to do it because you could get caught! :) I think that if I saw it in nice little rows at Wal-Mart, all of the draw would be gone for me. Isn’t that a little screwed up?!

    I’m with Sarea, I’d be interested in trying extacy somewhat- if you were even being serious there Sarea- because it used to be a prescribed medicine that couples took in marriage counseling to “let the walls down” for unencumbered communication. I’m guessing sessions usually involved a lot of “I love you, mans”. I don’t know why else, but in High School Health class as she described the high, it sounded rather nice to me… and before you judge me, the only difference between Ambian, (yes, the sleeping medicine where people do all sorts of crazy things, google it!) Hydrocodine, and Paxil is that the USDA decided it was OK, not that it isn’t as harmful for you as EX. There are scary side affects for all of these.

    one of the biggest complaints about pot is the fact that it’s supposedly a “gateway” drug. People start there then get into more serious stuff. That maybe used to be true, but I was reading about the heroin epidemic in America and how it starts is little Billy getting into Grandma’s medicine cabinet when he’s visiting and taking her drugs. Then he maybe starts to buy some when he gets caught or Grandma’s stash runs out. The pills can go for $60/pop so he realized that heroin is so much cheaper and moves on. Pot isn’t what is used to be and I say legalize it and tax the crap out of it!!!

  • Heidi

    and I love all the cheesy puns this is bring out from people! :)

  • Kim

    I wouldn’t try it. I am too much of a control freak and wouldn’t be able to stand not being in control.

  • Sarea

    I was totally being serious about trying the other drugs . . .so wait . . .what does that say about me if I want to skip the ‘gateway’ drug and go straight for the HARD stuff? Hee hee . . .This is priceless!!!

  • Laura

    Nah, already had those experiences in high school…just made me want to eat a lot!

  • Anonymous

    I came back to check everyone else’s comments and caught a serious error in my typing.

    I would NOT try it.

    Wow. What a big word to leave out!

  • Jana

    Hmm.. I would be curious to try it BUT I’ve always had a weird feeling that I may be deathly allergic to it and the one time I smoked it would kill me. “Did you hear about Jana? Yeah, she smoked pot and died.”

    My previous experiences include the time I accidentally went on a date with a drug dealer to a skate park and he made a sale out of his trunk. There were pounds of pot in there!!