Our new car!

so we got a new car!! Last week… Yeah! I know, I’m just now telling you! for for real, that’s how busy we’ve been that a new car, at least new to US car, slipped my mind for a few days. It’s a Subaru Outback, white with tan leather interior and can I just say it’s pretty sexy??

I’m not the type of person who is like “oh GOD wanted us to get a car” because although that can be true, I’m just not into giving divine interest in my own desires. The whole pray for wealth crap isn’t what I buy into. BUT, since I’m the disclaimer queen and have now distanced myself from that kind of thing I feel free to go ahead and say I think God wanted us to get that car. 😉 There was just too many coincidences and things that worked out too perfectly to be left up to chance. We got it for about half of what it would have retailed for at our local Subaru dealership first of all. It was one of those insane no-reserve auctions on e-bay and the seller had 100% buyer feedback and I guess it being so post-Christmas holidays that no one but us (after selling the Beemer the week before) had money. And Ben was also able to sell his Honda, making a profit on it because he got such a good deal on it in the first place. Also, it worked out that Ben got a free ride to Tulsa from a friend driving home and was able to fly to Houston for $118 and drive home on about a tank of gas.

Can I just say that although one of my biggest pet peeves about Ben is that he is always on the computer, either on e-bay, craigslist, or some landcruiser forum- that he has made up for it by getting such insane deals! He needs to start a business where he charges a finder fee or something when he’s found something someone was looking for. Seriously- need something? ask him to find it! He’s amazing!

  • Sarah

    I love it! I seriously have a thing for station wagons and hatchbacks these days. So yeah, I’m super jealous of your wagon!

  • Marietta McClure

    Wow Heidi! It is so awesome! It looks like it is in incredible condition.

  • Kara

    very nice. it’s so you and ben!:)