of ice, ice and more ice.

Yeah, we still don’t have electricity! It’s been out since Tuesday morning. Our house is so cold that it’s not registering on our cheap thermometer. We are staying with some of our friends’ parents who have a large house with a generator so we are eating better than usual and have been warm. Yesterday, by some miracle, the electricity came on here! The rest of the street lost it, but last night our rooms were warm. It is literally a disaster area outside. I’m at a loss for words. I feel so bad for the people that had no where to go and are having to rough it out in the freezing cold at their houses. Cable is still out so people calling from out of the area are better informed than us!!! We don’t know when we will get electricity but because we live in the middle of town in a highly residential area we have hopes of tonight even though the news apparently says Saturday at the earliest. I have taken tons of pics and videos so stay tuned and pray for us up here!