My top 5 things I wish I never ever thought..

Warning: Anyone who doesn’t have kids or just has one well behaved child maaaay not understand this post. :)


Everything (already an exaggeration) I said I’d never do has come back to bite me in the butt. Every judgement and snotty-themed little thought directed at another has come back to haunt me. Here are my top 5 things  I wish I never thought or said…

“People who have messy houses just choose to have it. It’s about priorities.” Tell that to my shower and toilets. And my kitchen floor, bedroom and … every room in the house.  They miss being cleaned. EVER.

“I’m not going to be like that person, I’m not going to HAVE to be at home by 7 every night and not have a life and friends Ben and I hang out with!”  Bug is in bed by 7:30 at the latest. We don’t really have couple friends and don’t hang out with the ones that we DO have. Wait. This is making me really sad… channeling pre-kid Heidi… we need couple friends!!!

“Wow, that care is disgusting. Week old fries? GROSS. … not gonna ride with HER again…” Has anyone been in my car recently? Don’t look in the back seat, please. Really, I just don’t care anymore.

“People who feed their kids bad are lazy.” can I just sigh heavily here and plead the 5th? I didn’t anticipate a picky eater either…

and the best for last…

“Oh, those moms who have harnesses for their kid just don’t know how to discipline their kids.” Yeah. I’m currently shopping for a harness for Bug. I’ve given up. Judge me like I judged others. I care more about the safety of my child than what others think of me and my lack of parenting.


  • Katy

    Well it’s a good warning for the future, before we have kids! Haha Though I’ve been introduced to it a bit babysitting foster kids. While foster parents try their best to keep their homes perfect, the priority is the kids & that is what counts :)

  • Karen Akins

    I think the trick is to make friends with couples who also have to be home by a certain time or their children will turn into monsters. And I was going to be one of those moms who fed her kid organic blah-blah-blah, and introduced such a wide variety of colorful, locally-grown veggies at such a young age that said kid never knew any different and…sigh. The kid only wants to eat mac & cheese and jelly sandwiches.

  • Heidi

    We’ll see, if people held auditions for that I’d be great! :)) Problem is that Ben gets home so late so we could have a 20 minute dinner, HAH! SO- I need people who DON’T have to be home at a certain time- and can come over to my house so I can put Bug down. I should start a FB “matching” group for people looking for friends at Ne Heights! I wonder if Brian would like that… lol