My Laptop Shop

My new computer

My computer is a very important part of my life- not only do I use it to blog, find community online and enjoy social media, it’s also very important to my work.  I’m a bit cheap with laptops, not requiring much other than they work and have internet. I’ve put up with hand-me-downs with permanent marker scribbles, missing keys and having a laptop that always had to be plugged in. And I’ve been, in general, happy.  Until last week when I was working on a deadline and my computer just went… [insert rant]. As things would have it, Collective Bias asked me to do a quick turn-around COMPUTER shop for them Saturday morning so I don’t think they had finished asking before I was saying “I’ll do it!!! Also great was the fact that I was able to use the funds they gave me to do the shop in conjunction with my small savings for a new computer- so I was able to get a much nicer one than I would have been able to!

As per most of my shopping these days, I turned to the internet to do some research and figure out where the best deal was for a computer that would work for me.  I hit the regular places, Best Buy, Walmart & Amazon.

Found it online, then in the store.'s computer selection was good too- the site to store was great- free shipping!

Close up on the computers I was looking at on If I knew EXACTLY what I was wanting, I might consider ordering off here. Otherwise, I like instant gratification!

 I realized that in order to be productive in LIFE that I needed to bite the bullet and just get a new computer. I think that in my world, it goes without saying that most of the voices whispering (ahem ahem YELLING) in my ear were saying to get a MacBook Pro. Umm. Yeah. If I didn’t have 2 young kids and a home mortgage I totally would get one. In my every day life of budgets, school loans and doctors bills I could afford about half of that. That being said- if anyone wants to purchase a MacBook Pro for me, I’ll *totally* take one.

We go tthe best deal out there! Found it first online at Best Buy and was thriled it was also in the store!

So, I set out on my journey. I decided that familiarity breeds productivity and that a Microsoft based operating system was really what I needed.  I actually hated (true story) Apple computers for years because I don’t like the system as well. I’ve heard so many times, “Ohhh once you get used to it you WILL NEVER GO BACK” like a crazy, snobby cult or something.

Having thoroughly shopped the different sections of both Walmart and Best Buy online, including,  and in person, I decided to get a laptop- just a basic laptop… or so I thought… I realized how many dozens of decisions needed to be made. See my whole shop on Google+ here…When it came down to it- my choice was between a Toshiba Ultrabook and the Asus that I got. They were the same price but overall the Asus was sturdier, had double the ram and had a core i7 verses the Ultrabooks’ core i3. It was a hard decision but I’m so happy with it!

Opening the box was such a strange and great experience! It was seriously a family ordeal as both Ben and my 15-year-old nephew Nate watched with jealousy. :) Ben kept trying to “help” me open the computer and set it up… in fact, I turned around for a minute at he had already snapped the battery into place! As I turned it on, Nate kept asking me how I liked it. Give me a minute… Of course then Bear and Bug were drawn in the room as well, brought in by the excited voices and happy energy in the dining room. I finally shooed them all away so I could have a moment… just me and Asus…

Check out below for more awesome pictures of my new friend! I love it! What do you think?! What is your favorite brand of computer and why?

I've NEVER opened a new computer before!

It's beautiful!


Energy Star rated, Windows 7, Intel Core i7… etc.. BUT the coolest thing? it has a sparkly keyboard!

Bug climbed on the table to see the computer better. Kinda rethinking declining the Best Buy warranty if my computer breaks...

 This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias Thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. 

  • Whitney

    Woohoo! I always shop around to find the best deal too and I’ve never used a MAC, but I’m happy with Windows. LOVE those sparkly keys! :) That photo of Bug cheesin’ is adorable.

  • Mallery Schuplin

    Nothing matters outside of the sparkly keys right?! haha

  • Lyuba1118

    Seriously LOVING the sparkly keys!!!

  • Heidi

    Thanks Whitney! I’m still kind of freaking out! lol

  • Pam

    Sparkly keys are great! I have heard wonderful things about Asus from the computer geeks I know. They said that Asus made the inner workings of other computers for years before developing their own brand. I’m sold!
    Hope you enjoy your new computer!

  • paige meredith

    I heard the “Mac cult” scream for years as well and I finally bought one because convenience and ease of carrying was my biggest priority and no one could beat the Air. That being said- if it ran Microsoft it wouldn’t hurt my feelings.
    Congrats on your new one. Slicing into that box is a pretty fun feeling.