My First VLOG goodness

I googled “vlog” after I made this video and I think I’m right on in my terminology usage that I was so concerned about. Still don’t know about this, I have to do some more research… and I lost count of how many times I said the word “cool” and “retarded”. Keep it PC Heidi, geez. this is why I write, I could edit out the word “retarded” with something like “stupid” and use some synonyms for the word “cool” occasionally. Oh well. Enjoy!

  • cherikeas

    Heidi–this was hilarious! I am totally blown away by your very cool, non-retarded, amazing skills. 😉 Keep it up. The video log is a fun dimension to blogging. I like it. You were very brave.

  • Wendy

    Heidi I always keep up with you via this blog (even though I never comment and am mainly one of your “anonymous” readers…although not really anonymous since you know me..but anyway, I digress…) I love it! Funny and it was nice to hear your voice! The same old Heidi I remember! Wendy Schaeffer

  • WiredForStereo

    Hey, is there some software that I can bleep myself with, cause that’s the only reason I don’t do video.

  • Sarea

    Dude . . did you just call me out on video?? LOL I was cracking up . . .and are you ready for this? I was talking to YOU!! While your video was playing . .like you were having the conversation with ME . . Ugh . . I need a life!!! Your writing is priceless and I don’t want you to stop, but I must, must, must see more VLOGS (is that what they are called?) hee heee