Meet Sherry…

Sherry K.

My name is Sherry, I am 29, single and I love so many things about life! love the outdoors, photography, being adventurous, reading by fire places, and great movies and I LOVE JESUS A LOT! let’s see… have I left anything out of the usual, who I am, that no matter what you do sounds like you are on a dating site (P.S. in the
spirit of, Who am I moments, if anyone out there is a male and sees this and thinks, “I could date her” allow me direct your attention once again to the first line…single) ….hum…oh! I truly do love long walks on the beach and want world peace!

We all know that we as humans are always so much more than what we can possibly put into words through a few paragraphs, chapters or even books in some cases but I will attempt to introduce myself to the world of readers the best I can in these short phrases.

I am a 29 year old girl who works for Camp Barnabas, a camp for children with special needs, and has a wonderful mess of a life that is all in the same breathe beautiful, challenging, ugly, broken, astounding and covered in enormous amounts of grace and love from a loving father. I know that this life will continue to be kind of a mess but will continue to grow
into something more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I am a very passionate about being transparent as a Christian not just about where you have been and how you came out of a broken life but about transparency in the here and now. I love knowing where people are right now, the heart of right now, in order to meet them in that place and so I strive live and share my heart in that same standard.

I have very recently taken a full time position with Camp Barnabas, a camp for children and adults with special needs, and while I have spent many years on staff in many positions I never thought working here full time was for me but the Lord knew better. I spent last summer at camp for just the summer months and then actually packed up my life and moved to Kansas City for the year. This year was an amazing year of rest and respite from ministry and leadership. It was simply a sabbatical year that I desperately needed and didn’t even realize it. While living In KC I was in contact with my friends on year round staff at camp and through this time was offered a full time position that I said yes to.

So, this folks is where you are getting me, in this new place in my adventure that has been spawned from many great adventures before and will birth many adventures to come. In light of this you will probably hear about my life here, and more so my heart in this place and season. I pray that it can challenge, encourage, possibly bring tears and laughter at times, and most of all joy to the hearts of those who share in my journey through written word.

Meet Sherry