just doing my civic responsibility officer

I feel very contribute-y right now. Like to society and such, saving lives, etc. I get why people want to become fire fighters and police persons, they want to make a difference. As I did this afternoon. I called the police for the first time today to report a stray dog. Now, before you get all “that was anti-climatic” on me, it was a full grown pitt bull that BARKED scarily at me when I kindly told it to go home please. At this juncture I have to add for my dear Roman’s sake that this isn’t a complaint against the breed at all, it’s more a complaint against idiotic owners who don’t take proper care of their dogs in training them or keeping them safe from the streets and thus the temptation that we all know can occur in the dog world… trash cans, my leg, etc. The owners are stupid, further evidenced by the fact when I called, the police officer asked if it was the dog owned by the house in the corner of my cul-de-sac (the former drug house I’ve referred to in my “neighborhood” blogs). Oh the perks of small town living!!! I didn’t know, I mean, I knew they had one, but who was to say it was the same one? and I must confess, if it had been a lab or not barked so scarily at me I’d probably not cared if it was out snooping in the neighborhood. To further complicate everything I’m being stalked by an ugly pregnant cat who wants to move in with me and as annoying as I find her, the idea that she would be killed by this dog was so repugnant to me I felt I had to act! and what about the children in the neighborhood? that was my trailing off excuse I gave the officer. Ugly appeared at my back door after my phone conversation and dang-it I let her in to save her life and now she thinks she lives here!

Jeepers- I was just interrupted writing this by a loud bang-knock on my door! For a second, I wondered if it was my former-drug-selling neighbors angry at me for reporting them and thought about hiding under my bed, but really, this is Johnson. Still, I was cautious as I peeped around the corner to look at my front door. the Police! I felt my heart hammering as I unbolted the door, like I was a criminal or something. Why do I feel that way? this is ridiculous, I always feel so guilty! He told me that they cited the dog owners, and I nodded, then he said they are charging them with harboring a dangerous animal and are going to write up CRIMINAL CHARGES! I stammered something about not wanting them to loose their dog and other incoherent things defending the breed and such. His eyes were hidden by his dark shades and he didn’t smile as I goofily tried to joke it all away. He said this has happened a lot, their dog getting out and such, and I nodded along, How Wrong I Was, and he said I need to fill out a statement and that I’d probably be called to court to testify. and the druggie people will know it was me… and come kill me tonight in my sleep! perhaps I can mention the time I tried to help them when the car repo guy was sneaking around their house when they weren’t home… but thats another story. BUT DANG-IT!!! All this for a knocked-up cat- really that’s the biggest thing if I’m being honest and not the kids like I told the officer on the phone…

Dang-it. Just really, Dang-it.

  • ben

    Too funny! This would be just your luck…

  • Cody, Kathleen and Joseph

    Good for you! I have made anonymous calls about a “stray” in our neighborhood. I would freak out if they knew who was calling on them though. Oh, next thing you know you will have a bunch of kittens born in the front yard. :)