Happy 5th!

pic1I know, a day late on the 4th. But today is my mother-in-law’s birthday so the party continues here! We have been in Branson all week with Ben’s side of the family. It’s kind of like a mini-family reunion with his sisters and nieces and nephews. My boys are loving it!

I am blessed to have family.

I am blessed to have THIS family.

I am blessed.

… and as any good reunion is, there are no family picture of the 4 of us. :) Every picture is with someone different.

pic2Bug with Lexi & Madison, his cousins.

pic4Down on the Branson Landing. *Note- if you decided to go down to watch the fireworks here, know that they won’t BEGIN until after 10:15.

pic3Bug is clearly waning to be Skittle’s next spokesperson.

photo5Noise reducing headphones kept Bear stress free. We ended up leaving before the big fireworks show but there had been fireworks off the cliffs so it wasn’t a total waste of time and we enjoyed the anticipation. :)

photo6The coordinated ones played volleyball! err… ummm… that is, everyone except ME played! LOL. I’m a runner, not coordinated at all. Oh, and I kind of have a sand phobia…

photo74th of July Picnic after spending the morning swimming. Perfection.