Friday VLOG goodness #3

Warning, this is a SOAPBOX on Chiropractor care. I will probably insult someone so I’m sorry, but please don’t watch it then if you are someone easily annoyed with my opinions! Because I have them in spades! :) Enjoy!

  • harmony

    Go Heidi!! That would have been a long written blog!! LOL

  • Sarea

    I think this was great! The most important thing you hit on was to be informed!! Educate yourself on everything! I don’t even take everything my Chiro says to heart without doing some research on it. Doctors have their place, and I am not saying I will never use one (I had all three of my kids in a hospital), but I will not let them talk me into something that I feel in my gut isn’t right for my kids! Now I am going to blog about Garrett’s facial dog bite and what I went through at the hospital . . .I’m all worked up again! LOL

  • Jana

    Good Soapbox today! I’m glad that the chiropractic care is helping your kiddo. That’s really interesting. If and when I ever have a kid I would rather do something like that then put them on some kind of medication that leads to other side effects and other medications and so on and so on.

  • Heidi

    Thanks! Yeah, I’m a little extreme It kills me not to say things to people when I see that they aren’t exploring other options for easily treatable symptoms. That’s why I did this… to get it OUT of me! :) Why are people so touchie?

    Don’t get me wrong, I love my Pediatrician and if it wasn’t for doctors and modern medicine, I wouldn’t have Summit now. I think that it’s finding a proper balance between alternative traditional medicines that have worked for centuries and modern medicine. If you really look at it, we honestly aren’t any healthier than we were, we are less healthy. The longer life length is due mostly to hygiene and sanitation coming into play. OK, I’M DONE NOW!! ;D