dime store theology

written in regards to above video.

I always had trouble considering sin equal. Like, a child molester is the same as me when I gossiped behind someone’s back. Sin is sin. It doesn’t matter if you’re a monster or told a white lie. How is that possible? I want to think that I’m NOT the same, that I’m somehow held higher in God’s esteem because all my sins are not so bad ones. I always thought there had to be a grid or level where God placed you, according to how bad your sins were, and that somehow you were better the higher you were. I know that doesn’t make sense and that it’s most def not biblical, but to a certain extent I think most Christians think that. Or, on a broader scale, I thought that God would divide sinners in 2 categories at least. Ones that sinned against people (rape, murder, etc) and the rest of us “light weight” sinners. That is more fair! but isn’t life just a series of unfair events??? even a little sin condemns us.

like a peanut.

someone allergic to peanuts wouldn’t say, “well, since that brownie only has a little peanuts, I guess I’ll have a bite!” Even a little will kill you.

We are so unworthy! Who are we not to forgive someone with all the grace poured down upon us? even a serial rapist killer.

  • Amanda

    Catholics have Mortal sins that are considered more heinous (Venial are lesser). I’m afraid that I’ve never bothered to look up what is referenced to lead to that, but I guess I’m like you in that it just makes since in my head. I do agree that sin is sin. The difference, I guess, is a one-way-ticket-do-not-pass-go-do-not-collect-$200 to hell and a review of your case. I have my catechism and that would tell me why we separate the two types, but in the mean time, maybe all you wanna-be theologists could tell us.

    WAIT. Check this out: http://www.catholicdoors.com/faq/qu06.htm#answer7
    Hooray for the internet!

  • The Clarks

    woo hoo for the internet and thanks for the comment! :)

  • WiredForStereo

    I think your sentiments are valid, some sins ARE worse than others. If they weren’t, how come the Bible demands repayment for theft, but execution for murder? Just because the effect of sin is the same no matter the sin, it doesn’t mean the scale of the effect is the same. Like Jesus said several times “It would be better for that person on the day of judgement…..” Better than what? Paul discusses some believers getting in “like one who escapes from the flames.” There are different degrees of reward in heaven, as there are different degrees of punishment in hell.