A little bit of folk

Music for me is like a bunch of best friends that know my soul. When I listen to a certain band it takes me back either to a high time in my life, or sometimes to a very dark place. I swap around, loving a certain band for a month then moving on to another love. I guess music wise I'm rather promiscuous! One band is pulling at my heart then it's onto another. One I frequently return to is Nickel … [Read more...]

what I’m listening to today:

Do you ever meet an artist, like them, but continue on, then a couple of years later you are re-introduced and fall in love? That's the way I feel about Sufjan Stevens, I liked him for almost 3 years, but in the last couple of months I've wanted to listen to him all the time. Pandora makes a great station with his name that includes Sigur Ros occasionally who I like and have recently discovered. … [Read more...]