brought to you by the number R (video!)

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Just in case you didn’t think I was serious…

I had my first sponsor today! Turnin' Heads Salon, owned by my sister-in-law, Harmony. I've actually had some response to my last post and I'm pretty full sponsor-wise for the rest of the month. No Joking. Hurry up and sponsor a patch before its too late! I'm taking reservations for April right now. Part of my deal is that I'll do a short spiel on each of my advertisers and post pics of Summit … [Read more...]

Making it public again…

Yes, after some careful thought and consideration I've decided to make my blog public again. I've carefully edited the other settings so only someone with my address can find it, it won't be brought up under any search engines and isn't available through blogger either. Enough people can't get on here b/c they don't want a gmail account. Silly people! But please, don't send this link to anyone, I … [Read more...]

bumbo trays and insurance pearls

I went to Toys R Us for the first time yesterday. I always think ingnorance is bliss so what I didn't know they had, I didn't covet. Well, thats been blown! They really do have "from bikes to trains to video games" and beyond. (they were actually out of most of their video games due to a big sale) I managed to limit myself to a cool sippy cup with a straw, as I'm trying to straw train Summit, … [Read more...]