Friday Night (un)Excitement

It's so (not) nice to have a (boring)relaxing Friday at home! I am (in)secure and (un)happy all by myself when Ben works until midnight. I remember in the past, all those wild and crazy nights out that were so (un)exhausting and over(under)rated. It's so (un)appealing to stay home on a cold winter's night by myself and Summit. I feel really (not)thrilled about all my alone time and wonder what … [Read more...]

Scientology Parenting

I was spending my time wisely perusing the gossip section of MSN and I stumbled upon an article about Hollywood's "Princess", Suri Cruise. Then from that article I googled Scientology because Suri is being raised that way and the word "No" is never used to her and she still drinks out of a bottle. Apparently when Suri painted her bedroom her parents praised her for her creativity. I wondered what … [Read more...]