Project Outdoors, The Beginning


This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Home Depot.This year has been about pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and as a nerdy, computer-cradled-in-my-lap person, sometimes outside my comfort zone is right outside my door. That's right- my yard. When I was contacted about  a series focusing on the outdoors I felt intimidated at first. Those of you who know me personally … [Read more...]

Grace On A Very Good Friday.

Courtesy of Powerline Photography

Hello, Readers! Happy Good Friday to you. I am writing to you today to introduce you to my mother, Rhonda. She is the most spectacular woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, and I am still amazed that I get to call her 'Mom.' She came to me a few weeks ago having written down her story for the first time - that I've known of - in my life. I thought that her writing would make a befitting … [Read more...]

Happy Friday! {VLOG}

Ketchup on a tot. Unrelated but adorable.

Good afternoon, all! Below is my vlog post for this lovely Friday. Also, above is a picture of a tater tot Jacob gave me yesterday. It's unrelated to anything but I thought it was adorable. Hope all you lovelies have a ball this weekend! G. … [Read more...]

Dress for the Day


Dear Abby Leigh always encourages me to... "dress for the day you want to have not the one that is trying to have you".  I chased boys through a fine art museum today and thought I was going to be asked to leave. We survived and a blog post will be coming soon about our adventures on trying to culture our boys. But, I dressed for the day I WANTED TO HAVE so even at my most stressed, I felt … [Read more...]