Be Good 2 Yourself: 2 Things to AVOID in Foods

I’m sure you are asking yourself, “change?! but I’m so ingrained in my ways that I’m loathe to an alternative to what I’ve been doing for so many years!” Or maybe not. :) Basically, the following are ingredients in commonly bought items that are BAD for you. Stay away from them. The more research that I do into nutrition, the more certain I become that today’s average American’s health failing- failing meaning we are much worse off than we were 40 years ago across the board- is directly due to the average American’s diet. Look at this like Health Insurance. Eat well, your body will thank you.

MSG (Interesting Article) Commonly bought food with MSG in it: most fast food, Chinese food (ask for it w/o MSG), Ramon Noodles, chips (Dorritos, Cheetos) and snack foods, canned soups, frozen dinners, salad dressing and most chicken and beef stock.
-Not all of the mentioned items have MSG in them, just learn to read the label and choose accordingly. Now, I’m not saying to throw everything out, just in the future try to be more aware. Some people can have serious reactions to MSG. Do some research for yourself too to better educate yourself.

Splenda. Don’t shoot me! :) Fake Sugar= Poison. I’m sorry to burst your bubble but Splenda isn’t as good for you as you think it is. Read this article or this one. Google it for yourself. I don’t think I need to mention commonly bought items with Splenda in it because those products scream out that advertisement on the boxes like it’s something to be proud of. Stay Away.

I’m not trying to be scary or controversial, I’m just trying to think outside the box a little. Recently, I have had several people that I know who are young, healthy people inexplicably get chronically or terminally ill. What is the first thing the doctors recommend? DIET CHANGE. The doctors recommend food that is good for you without additives, preservatives, fake sugars, etc. I’m sure you know this or someone who is on some “health diet” to get well. Most of what I’m suggesting is more of a form of preventive pro-activity. Start eating better before you loose your health! The health food store doesn’t carry any products that have the above ingredients. Does that tell you anything? I’m also not trying to take the fun out of life. I still eat out occasionally and have a dorrito now and then. This is about moderation and being educated and choosing alternative foods to the ones that can be harmful to your health. Do your own research before just accepting someone’s word on these topics, even mine obviously, but know what you are putting in your body.