Second Time’s a Charm {Moving, New Friendships & Growing up}

Gazing out towards Sarasota Bay

This year marks the second time I have moved away from my home sweet home.  The first time I moved away from my hometown in Fayetteville, Arkansas. A place I had lived since the 5th grade and the place I will always call my native land, forever a Southern girl and Razorback at heart. I moved in 2008 after my husband and I married and he accepted a job in Sarasota, Florida. It was absolutely a … [Read more...]

About Me: Katy

Katy enjoying the river walk at Estes Park

Hi my name is Katy and I have just recently moved to my dream city- Fort Collins, Colorado from Sarasota, Florida! Fort Collins has all my favorite things- the most restaurants per capita, the brewery capital of the US ( I heard it described as the "Napa Valley of beer") along with majestic Rocky mountains and rivers! It has been quite a transition from Florida, a place that will always have a … [Read more...]