and the Ants go marching in….

…. my house! Yes, we have ants. I’m so glad I’m not saying “we have fleas” or something else worse. It’s always better to look at the brighter side of things. We went to Wal-Mart at 9 pm last night to get some “necessities” and some ant killer. There is an interesting crowed that shops at that time and even more interesting crowed that works at Wal-Mart at that time. (I won’t go into detail on that last bit.) The aisle that has the poisons for various pests was pretty well depleted. We luckily found a “botanical” ant killer on the bottom shelf. What does that mean anyways? Does that make it more natural? Well, it suckered me in being the last bottle and all, but even if it hadn’t been, I like that word “botanical” and think I may have been swayed by that word and the pretty blue can it came it. So I have been smushing, sweeping, vacuuming, spraying and ignoring the ants for over two weeks now. I’d clean out my pantry completely and think “well surely they won’t be back”, then there they surely were again the next time I opened the door. And do you know the worst thing? I felt guilty when I killed them! I think of Jesus talking about the ant or something as I’m ending their life. It’s awful. One day I let them clean up a cricket that Snickerdoodle left behind and then once they were almost done I killed them all. I felt REALLY bad about that one. They were so excited about finding food and storing it away… all for naught. I’m a killer. Ben thinks he found where they are coming from in the garage and sprayed it down. I hope he got them all, I can’t take the annoyance and guilt anymore.

  • martha

    Don’t say it’s always better to look on the bright side of things. I would italicize always if I could.