An apology for being somewhat of snob

I am a snob, I must confess.

I am writing this in response to several several people that have sent me e-mails or seen me in person and ask, “well, haven’t you seen the pictures on facebook?” or “haven’t you read my most recent post on my blog?” So, I feel like I owe people an apology for my snobbiness and self absorbtion. :) This is for YOU _____________ (fill in the blank appropriately)

I get on the internet to blog about myself mostly, upload pictures of myself to facebook and tell everyone what I’m doing on twitter. Because I am a snob, I rarely check other people’s pages. I rarely meander to other blogs because I’m so consumed with my own. I don’t spy on people’s facebook pages to see what they are up to because… well…. I don’t really care! I don’t mean that to be mean, it’s just, I don’t have a lot of time as it is to be on here so I take the time I have to keep you informed of my life, lol. I hope you are getting the subtle (yet truthful) humor.

I apologize for not reading your blogs more. I apologize for no looking at the new pictures you uploaded. Unless I see them in the feed of facebook, I don’t think to go looking for them! I don’t think any of you readers on here are also on twitter, but if you are, I’m sorry for… well, I can’t think of anything to apologize for on Twitter, all it is it uploading statuses of what you are doing so I can’t be letting anyone down on there!:) So, all that so say, I’m so sorry that I’m a snob and have ever offended you! xoxoxoxo

  • Sarah

    Heidi, this cracks me up. I've never thought of you as a snob!

  • Jana

    I never thought you were a snob either Miss Heidi. Do you use a blog reader? I use the iGoogle reader so I don't have to surf everyone's pages to see when they post. yay!

  • Heidi

    Sarah, you'd be surprised at the amount of people who- after getting to know me- said that when they met me they thought I was a snob. I apparently give that vibe off! lol

    and Jana, I don't know how to do that… I'm suppose it's pretty easy to do?

  • Sarea

    Apology accepted . . .

  • Jana

    It's very easy! You'll love it.

  • Heidi

    after writing this blog I have facebooked stalked about 3 people and read a lot of other blogs. So, to add to my list of imperfections: I'm a LIAR!!! :)