My “Child of the Week”


My 4-year-old started preschool a few weeks ago and this week he is the "child of the week". The point is to let all the kids get to express themselves and get to know each other in a different way. He had to pick his favorite book to share with the class and selected the BIBLE. :D  Ben and I just looked at each other and wondered if the teacher was going to be "Riiiiiiight, parents. he picked … [Read more...]

Summit & William’s Syndrome


If part of grieving is healing through acceptance, than perhaps I’m there. I realized the other day that I have never officially posted a whole article about Williams Syndrome or had a label on my blog for it until recently. Some people, I have become aware of, come to my blog to read about Summit (or Bear as I call him in some posts) and William’s Syndrome and how I’m dealing with life as … [Read more...]

About Heidi

Hi, my name is Heidi and I started The Busy Nothings 8 years ago when I rediscovered my love of writing and photography after having my first son. It's been quite the journey and I've been many things here on my blog over the years to find myself where I am today. I live in Northwest Arkansas and I love it here- it's beautiful with the mountains, lakes and rivers.  I love the distinct seasons, … [Read more...]

Silence in the waves


If you read Sherry's post earlier this week, I was the friend at the beach. It's strange isn't it, the void of silence echoing from the mountains to the beaches. Oddly poetic, no? :) You know that place of silence in a movie that is a split second of dramatic foreshadowing before something startles you? Well, that is what last week was to this one. You see, I walked my feet raw at the beach, … [Read more...]