Wordless Wednesday: Ruh Roh


Egg. Everywhere. … [Read more...]

“Trail Mix” No Bake Cookies {Gluten-Free Optional}


I like quick and easy foods- I don't make a lot of desserts for my kids and I usually over think any sweet things I DO make them...  I try so hard not to use unhealthy ingredients that I just end up ... not making anything. I've been wanting to make a recipe with Bob's Red Mill Museli that my kids would eat. Granted, I could have bought all the ingredients separately but I'm going to just say … [Read more...]

An explanation of sorts…{Teddy Bear vs. Blankie Part One}


I am not sure how many parts this series will end up being, but here goes nothing! Some of you follow me on facebook, and since Christmas, my sister and I have been posting all kinds of crazy photos.  You have asked what the heck is going on...This is my attempt at explaining what and why. First I must introduce the 'players' if you will: 1) Sarea: Born 1/30/75.  She received in the hospital … [Read more...]

Slow it down


The last few weeks I've had writer's block and it has slowly gotten worse, like a tightening noose. Other writers can relate to this excessive statement! It's like being on a road trip and having to go to the bathroom but there are no rest stops- which is a bit of a crude analogy but gets the point across. When I feel this way- as it is every time I have writer's block- it's because there is … [Read more...]