Single (during the Holidays) and Lovin’ it?

Holiday Baking

A lot of my single friends tend to feel their 'singleness' more during the holidays and slip into a bit of 'woe is me...'  As I mentioned in my first "Single and Lovin' It" post, the fact that I have kids makes it difficult to feel alone.  Now that is not to say that I don't get lonely...In fact, I do feel the loneliness from time to time.  Part of the reason that it is more prominent to feel … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday: {Dress for the Day}


Join in the fun over at Dear Abby Leigh, she is beautiful inside and out and I'm pretty lucky to know her a little in person as well.   … [Read more...]

To Love Myself: Loving Life Intentionally

You know that point in a movie or book when the character realizes what exactly they have and how precious and valuable it is? The "it's a wonderful life" George Bailey moment running through the streets like a crazy person so thankful- where when that which was taken from them is returned and they are changed? I guess my question is ... can you get that- that depth of appreciation and gut … [Read more...]

Bob’s Red Mill: An Amazing Company

My heart was pounding in anticipation when I saw this sign- this is where all the magic happens!

This post is LONG overdue. Over 3 months ago I had the privilege to go to Portland for a few days and while there I was able to go on a tour of one of my favorite companies - Bob's Red Mill. In case you haven't looked closely at most of my recipes, a good number of them have Bob's Red Mill products in them. In fact, my most popular 3 recipes do- -Quinoa Granola -Chewy Granola Bar … [Read more...]