{Country Living}….can be scary


In my pondering today, I am reminded why country living is appealing to me...I am a people person that likes being alone (sometimes). I have a few fears.  Not a lot, just a few, three actually. Unfortunately, I can't even post pictures of my fears because it would freak me out.  They are not what you would call 'normal fears'... To quote my wonderful SIL, "I have no respect for your fears, … [Read more...]

Portland: the people of #IFBC

Marisa, Claire, Me and Cassie

I was at the International Food Bloggers Conference (#IFBC) in Portland, OR over the weekend and had a blast at my first FOOD blogging conference! I met some amazing people and learned a lot in between trying fine wines and running around the city with new friends. Thanks again Collective Bias for sending me! :) I have lots to say and not enough time so this is just the first blog of a few on … [Read more...]

Series Launch: Becoming “Professional Heidi” {VLOG}

For those of you who may not have been reading the last few months, I've started to work full time. It's been a journey to this point and continues on as I learn and grow. This economy has been hard and I need to figure out where to spend my hard earned money. A lot of moms have had to go back to work and as I go on this journey I want to share what I learn with you. My goals for this series … [Read more...]

A Call to Warrior Women {Fight For Your Marriage}


Hey friends, since we have posted on relationships, marriage, divorce, single living, loving a new life etc this week I thought I would share about my life. Now Sarea just posted recently about being a single mom and re-entering the rather wild world of dating again in "Single and Loving it?", Sherry just shared an amazing post about life as a single gal in "13 Dresses and Counting", being content … [Read more...]