Not There.

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Last week when Bear had surgery, I steeled myself. I just can't go to that mysterious there sometimes. There is weakness, there is statistics and there is my grief, ready as a wet woolen blanket to be thrown back on all over. When he was wheeled away on the almost comically over-sized hospital bed, I swallowed the lump back and turned away. NO. When the nurse came to say he was in surgery, … [Read more...]

Wordless Wendesday: c’est la vie


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Overcoming the 5K Ghosts


Despite my misgivings about whether to conform and run in a 5k or not... when a friend asked me to run with her in a 5k to raise money and support for Autism, I gladly agreed. OK, I'll explain my snarky opening- So, when you say that you like to run people automatically ask "So, have you run in a 5k?" Like that some how legitimizes you. Like, you can't possibly be a runner and not have … [Read more...]

Springtime and Surgery


I've shooed my boys outside and I am hearing laughter as they play together which is like salve on my heart. The weather is perfect and I love having my doors open. Over the last few months I've seen them really begin to enjoy each other for the first time. It's spring time and I'm enjoying their blooming relationship more than even the trees and flowers, which is cheesy to say but true.  The … [Read more...]