
-the pinched nerve you feel in your neck is actually your necklace (you aren't used to wearing) pulling your neck hair. -you can pee in record time knowing any delay could result in catastrophe. -every night (or morning or whenever) when you dry yourself off after a shower with your towel you think, "man I should wash these" and you've been saying that for a few weeks. -pony tail holders, … [Read more...]

of which I purchase and use a steam cleaner

Earlier, as I was holding my just turned 7-week-old while he was pooping, (already you can tell what kind of post this will be) I saw from across the room that Rolo was working up a good furball. I ran across the room, baby dangling from my arms, to move Rolo to the tile so I could clean up the vomit easier. She got bile on the carpet before I could move her and finished it up on the tile. Hearing … [Read more...]

“Poop” is the word of the week

I'm sitting here in my messy office eating a homemade frappachino with a spoon because I froze it solid scared I'd devour it too quickly otherwise. I SO know myself. Since having child #2 I've noticed that I turn to sweets as a coping mechanism for stress, although, now that I think about it, I'm totally not stressed right now so WHATTHEHECK me? Regardless this is amazing, fattening and delicious- … [Read more...]

baby boy, the world cup, new used cars and why I’m not a professional writer among other things

I am so NOT a writer. Well, in my head I am. I write in my head all the time, but it's not really "writing" per se, it's more "thinking" although I'm thinking like I would write. Or, like now, I'm writing like I'm thinking which just makes me look a little crazy and not so much a professional writer. Which I'm not. A professional writer that is, I am a writer, I just don't get paid for it so it's … [Read more...]