no really, I’m fine

Really. Lately when people ask me how I am, they seriously grimace slightly. I have been taking that to be a face of sympathy for me. Which is fine, it amuses me actually because they are trying to be sensitive to me, which is nice and all, but honestly, I'm ok. Perhaps I'm in denial. I don't think that I am in denial but most crazy people don't realize that they are until they get committed. ;)I … [Read more...]

website of the day:

blip.fmumm yeah, so this website is why I haven't been blogging as much. I have turned into a wanna-be online dj! I know, how LAME! But, I have to go blip another song.... wow. I'm addicted. If you decided to join, send me an e-mail and I'll give you my screen name! we can be nerds together! :) … [Read more...]

better late than never? (Pics!)

Sorry about the sudden posting frenzy. Here are some Austin pictures! … [Read more...]

What I’m Listening To Today:

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