
This is such a huge part of our lives that I wanted to share some of the pictures from Summit's therapy that we go to twice a week. He loves it! He works so hard and has such a good attitude about it that his therapists (of course!) love him. They constantly say what a happy boy he is and how charming he is. He is starting to get manipulative with them and will try to hug them to get out of doing … [Read more...]

Potty Mouth 2

Well, Summit has decided to potty train himself! When he has to poop, he will get cranky and cry until I put him on either his baby toilet, or an adult one, then he poops immediately. Now he still pees in his diaper, but we are moving closer to a diaper free existence! Woo-Hoo! I didn't do anything, it is so strange to me that he just decided to do this on his own, like quitting breast feeding- … [Read more...]

Potty Mouth (Pics!)

He has pooped in his toilet every day this week that I was home. … [Read more...]


I wonder how many people blog for sanity? I know I do, somehow putting my feelings out there for anyone to read is freeing! The strangeness of it strikes me sometimes...I was in Wal-Mart today and as I was walking down the condiment and coffee aisle I started to cry. I wasn't like this before I had children, now it's like my body wants to make up for years of being deprived in the emotional … [Read more...]