10 Years of Marriage {Today}

I can’t believe that I’ve been married 10 years today! Wow, what an accomplishment! I remember back when I was about to get married and thinking how old people were that had been married… 5 years. Now I am on this side of things and am happy to be here. I was looking through some wedding pictures and remember how stressed I was on my wedding day. I don’t like everyone’s attention on me and the fact that every eye would be watching me most of the day was unnerving! HAH! To celebrate this day, I decided to do a quick list of things that have (and haven’t) changed in the last 10 years.:


1. I care less how I look but know how to better fix my hair and make-up. A seemingly small thing, but getting to forget about myself when I leave the mirror in the morning is a blessing.

Ben and I- 10 Years of Marriage today!

2. I weigh 10lbs more and the stretch marks and  c-section scars annoy me. I don’t feel that they are a “badge of honor”, like some do, but wouldn’t trade my kids for my pre-baby body no matter how frustrated I am wrestling myself into a pair of off-brand Spanx.

September 20, 2002

3. I believe in myself more than I did in some areas and then find myself crippled with self-doubt in others. I am guessing that I’ll probably always struggle here.

10 Roses for 10 Years!

4. I am still  very annoyed when Ben says he’ll be somewhere at a certain time (“be ready between 5:30-6 for our anniversary dinner sweetie!”) and the times passes that suggested range. :) I think punctuality battles will ever be our epic struggle.

Flowers were sent to Collective Bias, Love having them on my desk!

5. I love him more now than I did then. Like most 22 year olds that get married with stars in their eyes, our marriage has been really, really hard at times. I see him now and love him more for who he really is and not my idealized version of who I wanted him to be. I think that I like this anniversary a lot. It’s been hard, but we’ve made it.

Most expensive meal to date! It was romantic with the rose petals and candle light. We drank wine and ate steak, perfection.



  • http://twitter.com/kidto3moms Sarea Clark

    Great post! Love that you are part of the family!