my baby’s ON the chart and getting an ultrasound… huh?

On the Chart:
the bottom 3% that is! in height. Yesss!!! (we’re still not on the chart for weight, but we’re on our way!) Yesterday we saw Dr. Jackson for Summit’s 18-month check up and this was the first “positive” appointment we’ve had! That is, I had worse news than him! that was kind of nice, having him point out the positive and being optimistic. Now that we have a diagnosis, he was excited to move forward with what we knew. What else is new… hmmmm. he lost a little weight from the whole puking-pooping dealio this weekend. Nothing else. He screamed the whole time which I’m told is very normal. and isn’t normal just grand??? (tongue-in-cheek)

Getting an Ultrasound:
on his kidney’s to be precise. and his bladder. I’ve been sucked into the world of doctors and procedures. I miss my hippie chiropractor all-natural days. He’s already got one on his heart last May and that was fun. I mean “fun” in an extremely sarcastic type of way. Part of Summit’s diagnosis is possible kidney problems so we’re getting a look see at the kidneys and making sure he has both of them and that they’re functioning properly. Holding my child down while they smoosh the wand around on my child’s midsection in a sea of goo isn’t my idea of fun. I feel like I’ve traumatized him once again. The look in his eyes when he looks up at me is cutting to the heart. And we’re also getting another test, this one was suppose to happen today but we both forgot so tomorrow it is. They’ll have to take blood because the Children’s Hospital empire forgot to order it when they drained my child of his blood on his last visit. Thanks guys.

and I have to get my blood work done next week for a completely unrelated yet completely related deal-io. more on that to come. perhaps. maybe not???

  • Kara

    i had that done with my brother……….email me if you have ??? glad you are doing okay and just living, although sometimes that’s hard…still praying.