the beauty in breaking forth

Me and my big mouth.

I love art, but it’s something I don’t have time for.

I thought. Here is a conversation with one of my favorite coworkers, JP (as remembered by me):

JP: I want some cool looking abstract art for my house that looks like this-  [shows picture].

Me: I could *totally* do that. Easy Peasy. I am really great at seeing art and being able to copy it well [completely *humbly*].

JP: Awesome! Thanks!

Me: Err. Umm. I mean, What? like, I can totally copy things but I haven’t painted in like 10 years.

JP: That’s fine, this will be fun for you then!

Me: Err. Umm. I don’t have any art supplies anymore.

JP: No problem, I’ll buy all the art supplies and you can just paint the picture. This is so cool!

Me: Err. Umm. Umm. You should wait until they go on sale at Hobby Lobby.

JP: Nahhh, when I’m in project mode, I’m like GO! I’ll get the supplies today. What are you doing tomorrow?

Me: Err. Umm. I’m not good with oils…

JP: I’ll get acrylics!

Me: Err. Umm. Umm. Umm-

JP: Perfect! I’ll serve wine and you can paint.

Me: What time again?


I have to say simply thanks to her. I forgot how much I loved to paint. The swirl of brushes. The spreading of rich color in a glass of water. Perched on a stool I created. and forgot. and loved it. I feel like I opened a door that I had prematurely closed. I push aside the cobwebs and I’m rediscovering old treasures I had set out for the trash.

Ohhh the beauty. The deepness of life creeping forth. Something is cracked in me, cracking now and it’s a growing and healing of sorts even as the shells fall aside. Newness and life sprung from rotting casings.

I breathe in deeply and savor the richness of the flavors, perfumes and depth. I’ve been treading in deep water for so long I forgot what it was like to stand up securely and feel the peace of a breath of air.

and I paint prettiness that I feel.
