Something New


Yes, this post has a bit to do with ending, but mostly it's about something new. Life is really just a series of decisions, some good and some bad. I struggle making big decisions, I agonize and do pro and con lists until my brain is fuzzy and I lose focus on what actually I'm trying to decide. But this decision was pretty easy, although emotionally difficult. The fact is that Bear … [Read more...]

Beauty from Ashes

I've been musing, editing and weaving this blog post for months now. It's never seemed quite right and I've not been able to figure it out other than this is about Beauty from Ashes, something amazing coming from a place of darkness or death. It seems lately that most of the things I struggle with are brought to the surface, bringing to mind an obvious cliche of boiling impurities out of metals to … [Read more...]

perception & transparency


Later this week Bear has an appointment with a gastroenterologist (and yes, I spelled that right the first time!) at Children's Hospital. If you were about to click away to google what a "gastroenterologist" is, I'll just fill you in my layperson's terms: A stomach and intestines doctor who deals with all sorts of hard-to-diagnose issues. Which is what we have had for years with Bear, but it's … [Read more...]

Because this is Funny… {Vlog}

Bear's post-fire works interview. Bear, if you have been following, has a rare genetic disorder called William's Syndrome. Click on the tab if you want to read more. He is delightful and expressive, enjoy. :) … [Read more...]