Grace On A Very Good Friday.

Courtesy of Powerline Photography

Hello, Readers! Happy Good Friday to you. I am writing to you today to introduce you to my mother, Rhonda. She is the most spectacular woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, and I am still amazed that I get to call her 'Mom.' She came to me a few weeks ago having written down her story for the first time - that I've known of - in my life. I thought that her writing would make a befitting … [Read more...]

Pink is not a part of my life.

Blog Pics

  Pink is not a part of my life. *****  5 years ago this month... I dreamed of fluffy tutu's, head swallowing bows and plastic jewels.  I could see her sweet white blonde curls, large blue eyes, dressed up in princess costumes and tea parties with stuffed animals. I expected to be annoyed with little hands in my make- up drawer and feet tripping around the house in my heels. I … [Read more...]