Words More Than People


I haven't written much in the last month or so but I am stepping back in to tell you why I haven't been writing, through writing, (kind of a silly process... I'm super aware =-)). It hasn't been that I don't have stories that could be shared it is simply that there is something new happening in my life and I have had to step back in order to understand it all. The Lord has been taking me on … [Read more...]



A dear friend of mine sent me a short sermon and this sermon was all about the bottom line of our identity as Christians. The totality of this sermon was that our final identity should be only found in that Christ is within us. Within this sermon the man speaking pulled up a book and read a quote from Tim Keller's, The Reason for God. The statement reads as this... "The essence of sin is … [Read more...]

Belonging everywhere… Settled nowhere


As I wrote in my last post I have been having a difficult time writing lately.  I have realized more and more why and the reality is, I have so much to deal with each day that at the end of, or even the beginning of the day, I have had very little brain power left to use on creative outlets of any kind.  However, many of my writings come from moments or events in my life that strike me when I … [Read more...]