Judgement and Truth

I wrote this over a year ago and never posted it. It's crazy to see how differently I feel and where I am today... I thought about re-working it and making it apply for me NOW but then realized that the raw power of it all would be gone. So often when I've been hurting,  I've read inspirational posts on how someone had felt the way I was feeling, but from a perspective of hindsight; of health and … [Read more...]

Time to say Goodbye… {Pacifier}


Election night marked Bug's first night's sleep without a pacifier. He is 2 1/2 this month and I've felt for a while that his addiction should be over but I never had the heart to just cold turkey take it from him. This is not how I planned on this happening... but sometimes the things you don't plan on end up being for the best. :) How it happened looked something like this: Me: "I'm … [Read more...]

Moving on…

My path

I'm an interim. Sometimes I think I'm given people for just a short while, to release them back out like  an injured animal. Not that they are brought to me for healing... that is kind of a bad analogy, calling myself a mender of sorts...  I'm more of a listener than a mender, which, to some perhaps, is healing but once more, NOT my point here today. What do you do when your friend(s) … [Read more...]

Not My Own.


How ironic, I thought briefly watching Bear fall through the air, banging against a metal bar with his face before falling on his head on the ground. Less than 2 hours ago I had been telling my friend that I believed in Chiropractic services and I wish that I could afford them again. When my 2 boys were babies I took each of them their first year and feel that is made a huge difference in their … [Read more...]