

A dear friend of mine sent me a short sermon and this sermon was all about the bottom line of our identity as Christians. The totality of this sermon was that our final identity should be only found in that Christ is within us. Within this sermon the man speaking pulled up a book and read a quote from Tim Keller's, The Reason for God. The statement reads as this... "The essence of sin is … [Read more...]

Grace On A Very Good Friday.

Courtesy of Powerline Photography

Hello, Readers! Happy Good Friday to you. I am writing to you today to introduce you to my mother, Rhonda. She is the most spectacular woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, and I am still amazed that I get to call her 'Mom.' She came to me a few weeks ago having written down her story for the first time - that I've known of - in my life. I thought that her writing would make a befitting … [Read more...]