Dancing Trees


Lucy Pevensie: They're so still. Trumpkin: The trees? What did you expect? Lucy Pevensie: They used to dance. From Prince Caspian How often is this a picture of us... of me...? At moments we dance and then at others we are so still and stoic.  This quote has always been such a powerful statement to me. I recently re-read something that I had written several years ago and I was … [Read more...]

Twirling in Tube Socks


I can't dance. This is no surprise to anyone who knows me and my sister (who jumped in the air and her husband got this amazing picture)  is probably somewhere chuckling. Either I've really never been smooth on the dance floor (or anywhere else for that matter)  or the constant harassment of much more coordinated friends crushed my confidence in any ability I may have had. I tend to think that … [Read more...]