

It's been a rough couple of weeks. Professionally and personally. I needed an escape, to be able to breath again and I fled to Colorado with Ben (and no kids- THANK YOU FAMILY) to see my sister and feel something other than stress for a few days. We drove through the night and I felt exhilarated: exhausted, stinky, delirious and ... at home. To see the peaks again from a distance was heart … [Read more...]

Monday Happies

YES, I realize that this is a day late- but “Tuesday” Happies doesn’t quite capture the absolute CHOICE that it is to even have a Monday Happies post in the first place. I still hate the first day of the week, but I have to say that being on vacation in COLORADO in Brekenridge kind of makes it easier to find the good! -It’s SUNNY outside and in the 50’s. I could just stop here and … [Read more...]