Delighting & Comparing {A VLOG Journal Entry}

A vlogging journal entry on the danger of comparison, being thankful and delighting in God. … [Read more...]

Single (during the Holidays) and Lovin’ it?

Holiday Baking

A lot of my single friends tend to feel their 'singleness' more during the holidays and slip into a bit of 'woe is me...'  As I mentioned in my first "Single and Lovin' It" post, the fact that I have kids makes it difficult to feel alone.  Now that is not to say that I don't get lonely...In fact, I do feel the loneliness from time to time.  Part of the reason that it is more prominent to feel … [Read more...]

Single (again) and Lovin’ it?


Hello again! One of the neat things about the writers on this blog is that we are all at different stages of life:  Sherry is single, never married; Katy is married, with furry kids only; Heidi is married, with 2 adorable children; and I am a divorced single mom, with three amazing kids. We are going to do some posts that talk about where we are at in life as far as relationships go and I … [Read more...]