Super Heroes & an Old Enemy

970232_10152868281320268_77788741_nMy boys. My crazy little bundles of energy every day amaze and challenge me. The other day someone said, “I hope I’m as cool as a mom as you are,” and they meant it! ….and it left me (flattered, yes) confused.

Me? Geez- I assume people read my Facebook and Twitter updates to either remind themselves why they don’t really want kids deep down, or to make the other crazy moms feel like at least if they are crazy club then we have each others company.

Today I worked from home and was reminded why, well, that doesn’t really work out that well. I mean, I got what I needed to get done accomplished but if I was really honest, either I was working and ignoring my kids (to which a pried off molding and brightly colored chalk drawing on my door can attest) or I wasn’t really working.

My boys really don’t play quietly… or all that well for very often and I find myself torn between the guilt of “hey kids watch netflix” and “well, they aren’t paying me to go to walmart to purchase Super Hero costumes at 10 am”.

I work really hard. Sometimes too hard. Because I love what I do. 


I’ve realized now that it’s not that I”m a workaholic like I had thought…  I’d justified working 70 and 80 hour weeks before- saying it gave me identity… that it gave me purpose but I’ve discovered that it was an old enemy wearing a different guise- People Pleasing.

Isn’t it weird how something you think you’ve worked through comes back again and again disguised in a different costume?

It’s as convincing as my kids in their new super hero costumes, calling each other by their hero names.

“Help me Captain America!”

“I’ll rescue you Ironman! ba ba ba bahhh” (singing their own theme music)

They live in a different identity with each costume piece, utterly convinced that they have the powers of what ever super hero they are wearing.

What if I did that? Instead of being tricked by old foes, wore the identity of truth, among other things? Taking the negative captive and destroying it. (I can hear boy boys screaming “SHOOT THEM, GET THE BAD GUY!”)

If I lived in the reality of who I really am- took captive the deceptive lies cloaked in a new mask and actually lived my life in the security of truth.

I’d really like that.

super heroes




  • Julie Thomas

    I love your honesty! You make me take a look at myself and make me think about what I am doing. Thank you for being so open!

  • Sarea Clark

    Great post Heidi! I can relate on some levels for sure….I still want a cape!

  • TheBusyNothings

    Thanks Sarea! (PS your mom can *totally* make you a cape…)

  • TheBusyNothings

    Thanks so much Julie! :)

  • Bonnie

    Love the post Heidi!!! We all wear different costumes at times in our lives, Great thoughts and reminder to live in TRUTH!!!. It can be fun to deck out with the costume, tho, as long as it is kept in the right perspective!!! :) Love you!!!

  • lindseylu

    AMAZING post Heidi! LOVE it. And I love you! You’re awesome. I’m pretty sure I’m in the crazy club you talk about. Embrace the crazy. :)